Brand new website (and blog)!
We are very excited to present the new Sauka-Spengler lab website at www.tsslab.co.uk. Do have a look - it has information on our current...
Psst...we are moving!
It has been very quiet here lately hasn't it? Not for long! There were many things going on behind the scenes and we are excited to...
Tales from the other side of the pond
Our Lucy is currently blogging from Los Angeles! Do follow her on http://fluorescentfish.blogspot.co.uk/. Lucy's research focuses on the...

Goodbye, #embryo2015!
It has been awhile since Sharkie has written here - for good reasons! The final two weeks at the Woods Hole Embryology course went by in...

Arthropods, Annelids and More
One word summary for arthropod week - awesome. Third week was dedicated solely to the amazing world of arthropods that includes the...

Chick, chick, more chicks...and urchin?
As most of us would know by now, science can be a bit of a funny thing with a mind of its own. Week 2 started normally enough with an...

Echinoderms and worms galore
Embryology Class of 2015 kicked off as a crash course in bringing the art of learning to a whole new level. Personally-speaking, I've...

Woods Hole Embryology 2015
A big hello from the Woods Hole Embryology course! We will be blogging here on the exciting science and going-ons that will be taking...
TSS Lab...Mapped!
Sauka-Spengler Lab by Tour Dimensional Ever wondered how a real biological research lab looks like? Well, look no further! Greg from Tour...

TSS lab @ WIMM Day, 27/3/2015
A brand new post to bring our blog back to life! Scientific life has taken over the TSS lab by storm (typhoon, really) as we undergo the...