Welcome to the official TSS lab blog and greetings from the City of Dreaming Spires! Holed up in a tiny corridor within the glittering walls of the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, we as a group are quite an interesting mix of like-minded individuals who 'simply want to do good science'...while demolishing the stock of chocolate at the institute. Despite our differences in nationalities and cultural backgrounds and quirks, we function pretty well as a little family. Each one of us has her/his own projects and research interests, but more on the science later. For now, let me quickly introduce the members of the TSS gang...
'The Big Boss' - (Professor) Tatjana (Sauka-Spengler). Or simply 'Tatjana' on a day-to-day basis.
Post-docs i.e. members of the lab who already hold a PhD and are undergoing further scientific training - Ruth, Dorit ('Dor'), Upeka, Daria
DPhils i.e. postgraduate students climbing the steep hill of obtaining a PhD - Günes ('Nes'), Lucy, Amy, Vanessa
How do we function as a lab? It is simple really. When in doubt of anything, yell out your current issue/problem/experimental failure and usually someone will know exactly what needs to be done and yell a solution back. If all else fails, there's Tatjana! ;)
Other than that, we share the same love for random chatter, chocolate, coffee, and Kit & Kat the PCR machines.

Till then,